Rock & Metal in Berlin

Nordic Noise

Sa. 31.03.18 21:00

Barren Womb + Jabba

1 x 2 Freikarten

Barren Womb:
Nearly three years since their last full length release, Barren Womb return with Old Money / New Lows: A jarring, mid-tempo dirge in 8 movements that sees the band further evolving into an animal all of its own. The album will be out February 16th through Spartan Records / Loyal Blood Records.

Since their inception in late 2011, the Nordic Heavy noise rockers have been raising both eyebrows and hell with their minimalistic approach, earsplitting volume and defiant experimentation. The duo, comprising singer/drummer Timo Silvola and singer/guitarist Tony Gonzalez, make efficient use of crude dynamics and the power of the riff to hammer their point across.

The duo have previously toured the US and Europe multiple times, where they’ve shared stages with among others Entombed A.D, Voivod, Conan, NoMeansNo og Årabrot, and have played at festivals like SXSW, Tallinn Music Week, Øya and Pstereo.

Commonly known as ”the only rock band in Tromsø”, JABBA, originally hails from the rural town of Sørreisa and have trough strife and struggle fought their way trough the harsh street life of this unforgiving northern settlement.

After 10 years of backbreaking labour the duo have finally released their debut album, ”VICE” which is out now on Loyal Blood Records JABBA could say they are inspired by bands like Black Sabbath, Motörhead, ZZ Top and Primus, which would be true. However, inspirations are many and can be summarized in only one word: Classy.

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