Theater in Hamburg


Sa. 12.01.19 20:00

Internationale Improreihe mit Inspinazie

3 x 2 Freikarten

presented by Steife Brise & friends

Die Steife Brise, Hamburgs stärkstes Improtheater, präsentiert ausländische Gäste aus der Improszene. Eine Liaison unter global agierenden Impro-Künstlern lädt das Publikum in einfacher englischer Sprache dazu ein, sich durch internationale Spiele bereichern zu lassen.

Should I stay or should I go

Steife Brise feels honoured to present an ensemble to which there has always been a close tie of friendship and appreciation: Inspinazie (Leuven, Belgium)

A man, a woman. Music. This is a story about love. About staying or leaving. Two actors and a musician let themselves be inspired by your ideas, opinions, feelings and the story that wants to be told that night. Your suggestions may lead to an escalation of marriage trouble. To make the story evolve, the actors will separatly gather input. He from (whoever feels) men, she from (whoever feels) women.

All ends with your verdict. Will there be enough love flooding to find each other again?
Or is all lost?

This improvisation format rises gender questions and gives helpful insights into male and female stereotypes. The show does not fear polarisation, but also strives for lightheartedness and better mutual understanding.

Performing: Elke Janssen & Marc Breban
Music: Peter Huber
MC: Nathalie Van Renterghem

15,90 € | erm. 13,90 €

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15.90 €


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