Show in Berlin


Do. 21.11.19 19:00

Geschichten erzählen & Musik

- Zusammengestückelte Bande

mit Pınar Özütemiz, Hannah Demtroeder, Qwigo Lydia & Friends

Musik von Biz-ler und mahali 4

 To show or make a connection between two or more things
 To be connected by blood or marriage
 To feel sympathy for or identify with
 ​To give a spoken or written report of something; to tell a story

(Oxford Dictionary, 2019)

“You've a good heart! Sometimes that's enough to see you safe wherever you go. But mostly, it's not.”, she said.
So what more do I need? 
Sometimes, wherever we go, we just do not feel safe. Sometimes we even feel deeply lost.

And sometimes we must lose ourselves to find ourselves… in the moment of recognizing how everything is related.
--- Storytelling with Qwigo Lydia, Hannah Demtröder, Pınar Özütemiz and Friends. 

Program in English and German. And a bit of Turkish of course.

Entrance free and donations welcome!

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