Theater in Berlin

And then she became a chair

Fr. 08.11.19 20:00

Holy Conflict presents

1 x 2 Freikarten

‘Up until this I always had too little time. Now there is nothing but time. Almost pure time, empty sucessiveness’

C.S.Lewis, A Grief Observed.

Set in the purgatory of a seemingly eternal waiting room, AND THEN SHE BECAME A CHAIR explores the heightened yet warped sense of time as a loved one approaches death.

Part confessional text, part fabricated memories, part kitsch distraction, the work recreates a wretched attempt to constrain the chaos and exhaustion of grief into something polite, palatable and coherent.

Provoked by a personal story of loss and fragments from literature on grief and dying, AND THEN SHE BECAME A CHAIR is a groping expedition into the bewildering realms of human behaviour when confronted with the inevitable, yet wholly unfamiliar, event of death.


12 €

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12.00 €

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