Rock & Metal in Hamburg


Mi. 11.05.22 20:00

Uebel & Gefährlich

1 x 2 Freikarten

Tennyson’s talent has always been undeniable, even if he’s still discovering himself.

Born Luke Pretty, his creative mind first bloomed in the basement of his parent’s home in Edmonton, Canada. His younger sister Tess has long been his partner, learning to play drums alongside his work on the key. The siblings cut their teeth on local jazz clubs, teaching Tennyson a frenetic, rhythm-based sound that would become the project’s signature.

As a teen, Luke got his hands on some production software, learning the ins and outs of digital audio workstations by copying the sonic tricks of his favorite songs. These intellectual covers were posted to Soundcloud under the Tennyson name, and he soon amassed a following. 

Seeking an identity, Luke mixed complex beats with cutesy melodies, building songs with a sophisticated yet childlike feel. Tess played the audacious drum parts on stage while Luke cued the melodies and sometimes sang. The dichotomy of skill and youth was impressive, making the brother-sister duo quick darlings of the experimental electronic world.


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