Vorträge & Diskussionen in Berlin

archint 1918_2018: Unbuilt Prague ǀ The Banks of the Vltava River in the Planning of a Modern Metrop

Di. 18.09.18 19:00

archint 1918_2018 is a series of events on the turn in architecture after 1918

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The early 20th century and in particular the interwar years saw the rise of a range of new urbanist and architectural visions in Czechoslovakia. After years of Viennese influence, suddenly the opportunity was at hand to turn Prague into a modern big city and fulfill the Czech nation’s aspirations for independence. Many competitions were organised for designs of buildings or even entire areas and these designs envisioned significant changes to the look of the city. The great majority of projects proposed were never ultimately brought to life and many of the visionary images for Prague’s streets and open areas remained solely on paper. It is these unrealised projects in which architects and urban planners projected their visions of Prague as a confident metropolis of the modern age that are the focus of both the book and the lecture.

Klára Brůhová is a scholar in the field of history and theory of architecture of the 20th century and works in the Department of Theory and History of Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture, Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague. She graduated from the Faculty of Architecture, CTU in Prague, from the Academy of Arts, Architecture, and Design in Prague and from the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague. In 2015, she presented her Ph.D. thesis “Unbuilt Prague“, her research was later published in the book mentioned above.

The lecture will be held in English.

archint 1918_2018 is a series of events on the turn in architecture after 1918, after the establishment of the First Czechoslovak Republic. Young theoreticians of architecture will present their new projects on heritage and the courageous modern visions that have strongly shaped the Czech architectural landscape. In cooperation with CzechTourism   

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