Theater in Frankfurt am Main

The Perfect Woman

Fr. 06.04.18 19:30

The Two Character Play

1 x 2 Freikarten

David wants to meet his „Perfect Woman“... but when she actually turns up, she isn’t perhaps quite what he expected! David’s friend Graham considers the idea of a ‘Perfect Woman’ ridiculous, but what does he himself want? David’s mother Marge has a different take on what a ‘Perfect Woman’ is. A surprise visit challenges her views, but does it also give her the catalyst to do something about the routine her life has become? All will be revealed in the astonishing late night developments of the final scene. 

Reality and fantasy are interwoven in „ The Two Character Play“ by Tennessee Williams with terrifying power as two actors on tour – brother and sister – find themselves deserted by the troupe in a decrepit “state theatre in an unknown state”. Faced (perhaps) by an audience expecting a performance, they enact “The Two Character Play” – an illusion within an illusion, an “outcry” from isolation, panic and fear.

in English

VVK 15,00 €

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