Theater in Berlin

IMPRO EMBASSY - Playing with the enemy 🇬🇧

Do. 05.12.19 20:30

Inbal Lori & Zaki Zikani

3 x 2 Freikarten

Wichtiger Hinweis:
Diese Veranstaltung ist in englischer Sprache! 🇬🇧

He is from an Arab country*. She’s from Israel. Their countries are enemies, but luckily somehow they became friends. In this show Zaki and Inbal share a unique improvisational experience with each other and with you. They combine their knowledge and cultures which are both similar and different, and they celebrate the possibility of performing together on a neutral ground. The show will play with stigmas, political correctness, taboos, and individualism and it will circle around and beyond those topics. But most importantly, Zaki and Inbal are going to do on stage what they are not allowed to do in real life – communicate, play, create. 

* Zaki’s country can’t be disclosed due to security reasons

ab 10,00 €

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10.00 €

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