Besondere Musikevents in Berlin

Hot Topic

Fr. 21.02.20 20:00

Let's make out with the movies

1 x 2 Freikarten

HOT TOPIC is a queerfeministic project hosting DJ*s, producers and artists offside the heteronormative party-mainstream. HOT TOPIC especially celebrates women, lesbian, trans* and genderqueer people, POC and black artists behind the desks and on stage. It’s not only a party, but a forum for networking that gives home to diverse queerfeministic scenes & topics as well as their rebels and cuties.

Each HOT TOPIC supports a political group or project with an infostand and donations. The party offers a wide range of musical styles from queerfeministic tunes to pop, house, Hip Hop as well as R’nB and rock music. It seeks to celebrate and (re)present all those who challenge our perception of mainstream-nightlife and heteronormativity in general – bc queerfeminism is our HOT TOPIC!

20 Uhr Filmscreening: „Rettet das Feuer“ – Ein Film von Jasco Viefhues über Jürgen Baldiga

22 Uhr SCHWUZ-TALK: Queer Sex 3.0 – Zwischen Stigma und Sexpositivität

23 Uhr HOT TOPIC Party

Queer Pop:

Kakao Katzê

Delicia Latinx-Floor (Perreo, Reggaetton, Salsa brava, Merengue, Cumbia, Dembow, Latin house):

Dani Ramos
Natalia Escobar
Maque Tumai
Bad Puppy

Karaoke by Macho Queen & Turntino (Venus Boys)

CineMama-Show: An Oscar worthy performance with the phenomenal Judy LaDivina and the Dragoholic family.

Solishots & Infostand: Corasol

10,00 €

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10.00 €

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