Rock & Metal in Berlin


Sa. 10.03.18 21:00

Mit Litbarski & Mainlined Heroes

1 x 2 Freikarten

Antillectual from Nijmegen, the Netherlands plays a socially conscious, energetic blend of music. Creating their own unique blend of stolen riffs and borrowed song titles, while carrying the torch for European punkrock beyond their own country and continent.

You could describe Antillectual's music as melodic, intelligent and urgent; like Rise Against and Bad Religion, influenced by ‘90’s skate punk to ‘00’s emo and ‘10’s orgcore.

In 2005 Antillectual started releasing albums and touring. Ever since, the band has perfected the romantic idea of being a dedicated touring band playing their energetic live show all over the world, probably over a thousand times.

Litbarski: Punkrock / Berlin
Mainlined Heroes: Punkrock / Berlin

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